

  • Souks
  • Souks
  • Souks
  • Souks
  • Souks
  • Souks
  • Souks


In the heart of the medina, you will find the souks which house shops, stalls and all kinds of workshops. The shops display piles of spices, nougats...

The salesmen who sell similar products are clustered in the same area according to their activity. The henna (natural dye) souk is in the Nejjarine quarter, where you will find all kinds of natural products (like henna). The souk Nejjarine or Sebbaghine is the centre of dyers, along Oued Fez. You can see the craftsmen dyeing the wool or cotton products in different colors. Tanneries are impressive. The methods of work and the hide-processing haven’t changed for ages. This is a worth visit despite the stench caused by the skins.
You can also watch the carpenters working, the «maalems» (masters) as well as the young learners. The copperware manufacturers are in the Seffarine souk.

El Attarine, the spice souk, is worth seeing, too. It is the most colorful market in Fez. Fez potteries are famous for their good quality and their white and blue designs.

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